Monday, July 26, 2010

Stuffed Bell Peppers

This a spin off another recipe I found that used bulgur. Couldn't find bulgur but I did have a box of parmesan couscous that needed used up... so this is a recipe that lends itself to impromptu variations of whatever is on hand!

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 1 chopped up and cooked onion
  • 1 box cooked parmesan couscous
  • some cooked ground up turkey
  • a handful dried cranberries
  • a bit of monterey jack cheese

Mix together the filling ingredients (like I said, this recipe works with basically whatever as you can tell by my precise measurements). Stuff filling inside 4 green bell peppers, the tops cut off , seeds and ribs removed (think mini jack-o-lanterns and you've got it made - adding a notch in the "lid" makes it easier to line up when cooking too). After they're stuffed, set them in a pot with about a cup of water on the bottom. Bring water to a boil, then cover the pot and let simmer for 5-10 minutes until peppers are tender-crisp and filling is warmed through.

P.S. We had extra filling leftover, but its great eating just by itself. Or just cut up some more peppers later.

P.P.S. No photo since I just ate the last one for lunch. :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Sounds awesome! I've tried to make stuffed peppers before and Scott was not a fan. But this sounds delish! I'm so doing this one next time.